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  • Judas Drekonym's avatar
    Add TitleID sort method (#553) · 471e7ed2
    Judas Drekonym authored
    Adds an additional application list sorting method for the TitleID. A
    bit of a niche choice for sorting but I think the TID is a relevant
    enough piece of metadata that it should be there. (And I personally
    would be using it)
    - Using existing TitleId constant in ApplicationSort, implying this was
    meant to be in the sorting options at some point?
    - Reuses the "DlcManagerTableHeadingTitleIdLabel" locale for fulfilling
    the need already, might be better to make a unique one for this in the
    long run but this codebase is new to me so I wanted to make the changes
    as unobtrusive as possible
    - Using app.Id for the comparer seems to work fine, not sure if using
    something else like IdString would be better?
    Add TitleID sort method (#553)
    Judas Drekonym authored
    Adds an additional application list sorting method for the TitleID. A
    bit of a niche choice for sorting but I think the TID is a relevant
    enough piece of metadata that it should be there. (And I personally
    would be using it)
    - Using existing TitleId constant in ApplicationSort, implying this was
    meant to be in the sorting options at some point?
    - Reuses the "DlcManagerTableHeadingTitleIdLabel" locale for fulfilling
    the need already, might be better to make a unique one for this in the
    long run but this codebase is new to me so I wanted to make the changes
    as unobtrusive as possible
    - Using app.Id for the comparer seems to work fine, not sure if using
    something else like IdString would be better?